Hilton Cartagena Hotel
Rates start at $254.00 per room per day
Breakfast: Included
WiFi: Available for purchase
Hotel Caribe Cartagena
Rates start at $150.00 per room per day
Breakfast: Included
WiFi: Included
Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa
Rates start at $329.00 per room per day
Breakfast: Included
WiFi: Included
* 16% tax is included for non-residents of Colombia
* Hotel Contribution Fee of $ 4.00 per day will apply
When making reservations at one of the conference hotels, attendees must contact the following companies for bookings and airport transfers:
Aviatur and Gema Tours
Mrs. Gina Serrano or Mrs. Cindi Castañeda
Direct Line: (011) (57) 5- 6655322
Phone: (011) (57) – 6554800 Extensions 60338 and 50217
Cells: 011–57-315 2354484 (Gina Serrano) or 011-57-317 6486348 (Cindi Castañeda)