Platinum Membership Guidelines and Policies
Platinum memberships benefits are only offered to the company or entity officially registered with the FCCA. Any changes in company name or service structure must be submitted in writing to the FCCA for approval. If the company name or services offered should change, this is considered a totally new company /entity which will require a new membership or if applicable, a two company (entity) membership.
The FCCA membership is limited to one individual company/organization, a “holding “company or parent company cannot act as the main company with sub companies under its FCCA membership. Each company must have their own membership to participate as a platinum member.
Applications for membership or renewal of membership shall be submitted to the FCCA. In the case of any applicant whose character, reputation or conduct might make him an undesirable member, the FCCA shall refer the application to the Executive Committee for review; in all other cases, the FCCA shall have the authority to grant membership or cancel membership at any time. In the case a member’s membership is cancelled, the dues will pro-rated back on a monthly basis. The FCCA has the right to refuse or cancel any membership without cause or reason.
If a FCCA member cancels their membership and decide to renew at a future time, they will default to the current rate per year, $25,000.
If a FCCA platinum member fails to pay their dues with the 15 day past due window, the FCCA is at liberty to cancel, or suspend their membership privileges. All cancellations of platinum memberships are reported to the FCCA executive and operations committees.
A FCCA member cannot attend any excusive platinum events, meetings or access any other benefit if membership dues are not in good standings.
As of January 2003. |